All States Marine Surveyors

Things you see in the marine survey profession. The Good The Bad And The Very Dangerous

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Location: Bayville, NJ, United States

Monday, January 09, 2006

Not enough wood for a fire!

A recent call from a prospective boat buyer.

"I am buying a boat and the broker says I must close the deal by tomorrow"

Wait a minute, slow down. If you have to purchase right away, sometimes wrong.

Well there was something wrong, or should I say many things wrong.

The vessel, 1988 bayliner 2655 which I surveyed, has more things wrong than right.
The delamination, mold, numerous active water leaks and rust heap of an engine made me want to strangle the broker for trying to sell this worthless craft.
The brokers description of said vessel was bordering fraud.

They are giving the entire industry a bad name ( it doesn't need any help)

If the deal must be closed very fast and sounds like a great bargain.

Watch out

Spend a few bucks, get a survey, cover you A**


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